
Token Symbol BGD
Estimated value $10
Expiry date 18 Feb, 2023
Published date January 8, 2023

Token Overview

Bitgold is a bridge between digital currencies and physical assets such as land, gold, oil, mineral reserves, stocks, which is defined on the blockchain platform and in the Smart Chain binary network.
In fact, the Bitgold token is the physical equivalent of digital currencies and these physical assets of land, gold, oil, mineral reserves, stocks, meaning that Bitgold will link land, gold, oil, mineral reserves, stocks and digital currencies . In this case, if someone has digital currencies, he must convert it into a Bitgold token, and with the Bitgold token, he will be able to have the equivalent of the financial value of these physical assets.

This token will help people, governments and nations to use blockchain technology to make their exchanges of land, gold, oil, mineral reserves, stocks and transfers easier, safer and less expensive. The purpose of this article is to describe why and how Blockchain technology can be used to trade, store and use physical assets in a way that is easy to understand and implement.

How to join :

  • Sign up to bitgold website
  • Join bitgold Telegram channel
  • Invite more friends to get bonus
  • Follow Twitter Account and Like and retwitte

Token Requirement

  • Telegram Account
  • Facebook Account
  • Twitter Account
  • ETH Wallet Address
  • Bitgold Wallet Address
Go Now!

End in: 18 Feb, 2023

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